Colloquium by Prof. Henning Müller

On December 16, 2022, the interdisciplinary research network Responsible Digital Society (RDS) of the University of Basel hosted the colloquium "From clinical decision support and explainable AI towards digital twins", held by Prof. Henning Müller, at the new Biozentrum of the University of Basel.
In his talk, Prof. Müller presented his interdisciplinary research at the HES-SO Valais in Sierre on medical multimodal data analysis. The work demonstrates an impressive range and addresses practical, albeit scientifically challenging questions from clinical practice, including the creation of medical images, biomarker extraction from radiology and histopathology images, and clinical decision support. An important objective of his work is to make decisions and predictions originating from deep learning networks explainable. The talk also outlined a path to novel applications on digital twins in healthcare, for instance by using longitudinal data on patients.
Henning Müller has an interdisciplinary background. He studied medical informatics at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) and has been a full professor at the HES-SO Valais since 2011, where he is responsible for the area of eHealth. Since 2014, he is also a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva. He was and is coordinator of several EU projects. Since the beginning of 2020 he is also a member of the Research Council of the SNSF.
The colloquium was followed by a seasonal apéro, where the guests had the opportunity to further discuss and network.
The Responsible Digital Society (RDS) research network regularly hosts colloquia and other public events on the topic of digitization. The colloquium on December 16, 2022 marks the end of this year’s RDS events.