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Colloquium "Beyond Open Data"
On April 17, 2023, the interdisciplinary research network Responsible Digital Society (RDS) of the University of Basel hosted the colloquium "Beyond Open Data" at the new Biozentrum of the University of Basel.
The main presentation was given by Georges-Simon Ulrich, the Director General of the Federal Statistical Office, on the topic of "Beyond Open Data: Data in the Domain of Federal Statistics for Research". Additionally, there were two short presentations by Jonas Bieri, Head of Data and Process Management at the Statistical Office of the Canton Basel-Stadt, and Silke Bellanger from the University Library Basel, on the topics of "Open Government Data for, with and from Reproducible Research" and "Research Data Management at the University of Basel".
Two out of the three presentations were recorded and are now available on YouTube for anyone who could not attend the event in person.
After the colloquium, an aperitif was offered, giving guests the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with each other.
The Responsible Digital Society research network regularly hosts colloquia and other public events on the topic of digitization.