BAU3, Quartier-Areal «Gundeldingerfeld», Dornacherstrasse 192, Basel
Center for Cognitive and Decision Sciences (CDS), Faculty of Psychology, University of Basel
Thinking of AI
The initiative Thinking of AI explores the role that artificial intelligence, in particular, generative models, will increasingly have on creative endeavours such as the arts and sciences. The November 10 event will feature the theater play Assistant by Copper Tongues Theater, written by Olivia Fischer in collaboration with ChatGPT as well as a discussion with the artists involved. The event is free and takes place November 10, 2023, from 18:00 to 21:00 at BAU3, Quartier-Areal «Gundeldingerfeld», Dornacherstrasse 192, Basel.
Seating is limited, so registration is encouraged.
Please visit the website for more details:
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