Movie screening and panel discussion on AI in education

The sixth event in the joint series “Digitalization – What Now?” by uptownBasel and the Responsible Digital Society (RDS) research network at the University of Basel took place on February 25, 2025 in the auditorium of the Kollegienhaus.

After a welcome address by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, President of the University of Basel, the 3sat documentary “AI and Education: Do We Even Still Need to Learn?” was shown. This was followed by a panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Thomas Grob, Vice-President for Education at the University of Basel, Dr. Christian Marty, founder and CEO of Evulpo AG, and Karin Vallone, Head of Education at the Basel Chamber of Commerce, moderated by Urs Gredig (SRF).

In front of a full aula, including many students and teachers from schools in the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, the panel discussed the changing role of education in the age of AI and the impact of AI on education systems at different levels. The panelists addressed both the opportunities that arise from the use of AI in teaching and the major challenges that lie ahead. The panel agreed that the necessary skills must be taught so that AI can be used as a powerful tool by both teachers and students.

Prof. Heiko Schuldt, Co-Chair of the RDS, and Hans-Jörg Fankhauser from uptownBasel thanked all the participants and gave the closing remarks before inviting everyone to an apéro. During the networking apéro, the main topics of the panel were discussed in more detail in smaller groups. “AI in Education” was a successful continuation of the now established series, which will continue at uptownBasel in Arlesheim in the summer of 2025.

You can watch a short piece by RegioTVplus on the event here [in German].