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Movie Screening and Panel Discussion on "AI in Sport"

On 14.8.2024, the fifth event in the joint series “Digitalization – and now?” by uptownBasel and the Responsible Digital Society (RDS) research network of the University of Basel took place at uptownBasel in Arlesheim.

After a welcome address by Baschi Dürr, the CEO of uptownBasel, the ZDF documentary “AI in Sports – Risk or Chance” was shown. This screening was followed by a panel discussion between Lea Bachmann (pole vaulter and PhD student in law at the University of Basel), Dr. Solange Emmenegger (fencer and coach, and Federal Office of Sport BASPO) and Martin Rumo (lecturer at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Analytics Translator) under the excellent moderation of Urs Gredig (SRF).

The recently concluded Olympic Games in Paris provided many starting points for a very lively, interesting and entertaining discussion on the opportunities offered by AI in various disciplines in sport, but also on the risks, among others the varying and sometimes even limited availability of data. Prof. Heiko Schuldt, co-chair of the RDS, thanked all participants and, on behalf of the hosts of uptownBasel, invited them to an aperitif on the fantastic rooftop terrace. During the networking apéro, the most important topics of the panel were discussed in more depth in smaller groups. AI in Sport was a successful continuation of the now well-established series, which will be continued at premises of the University of Basel in February 2025.