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10th Anniversary of the Institute for Biomedical Ethics

The Institute for Biomedical Ethics at the University of Basel invites you to celebrate its 10th anniversary with a series of Zoom events to discuss career, motivations and ethics.
We are inviting you to a session on 21st of February at 17:00 – 18:30 focusing on “Building a Career in Medical Academia and Leadership". We have invited two very successful university leaders from Zürich and Basel to give us a glimpse into their success, the challenges they have faced while working in academia and medicine.
- Prof. Torsten Schwede, Vice President for Research at the University of Basel, as well as Professor for Structural Bioinformatics at Biozentrum (University of Basel). He was the director of the SPHN Data Coordination Center and BioMedIT Project (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics).
- Prof. Beatrice Beck Schimmer, Vice President of Medicine at the University of Zurich, Professor of Anaesthesiology at the University of Zurich and Senior Investigator and Group Leader for the Institute of Physiology and Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology at the University of Zurich.
If you are interested in participating please register for the session here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/career-motivation-and-ethics-in-academic-leadership-tickets-220018490227?aff=erelpanelorg
If you would like to have more information on the upcoming sessions please visit our website https://ibmb.unibas.ch/en/outreach/ibmb-10th-anniversary/
or write an email to laura.arbelaezossa@clutterunibas.ch or giorgia.lorenzini@clutterunibas.ch