Become a Member

Any member of the University of Basel is welcome to join the Research Network Responsible Digital Society if they are interested in the field of digital transformation and the analysis of its social, ethical, legal, economic, psychological and political consequences. Members of the RDS Research Network will be first to be informed of upcoming events, and will receive the RDS Newsletter. Members with a Professor title will additionally be added to the list of RDS Patrons, with no further obligation to the Research Network.
If you want to become a member, please send us a message to and let us know your affiliation.
According to the Swiss data protection regulations, we need to inform you that we will store your first and last name and your email address in a mailing list on a server hosted by IT Services at the University of Basel. This mailing list can only be accessed by the management office of the RDS that can be reached via For your consent to be added to this mailing list, we propose an opt-out model: If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you agree to be added to the mailing list. Of course, you can withdraw your implicit consent at any time by sending an email to