14 Aug 2024


uptownBasel and Responsible Digital Society Research Network


[Event held in German] AI in Sports - Will data soon decide who wins and who loses?

Film presentation and panel discussion in collaboration with uptownBasel

Roboter als Coach

The research network Responsible Digital Society and uptownBasel (uptownbasel.ch) cordially invite you to the fifth event of the joint event series "Digitalization - and now?". It will take place on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 on the topic "AI in Sports - Will data soon decide who wins and who loses?" on the rooftop terrace at uptownBasel in Arlesheim (indoors in case of bad weather). A documentary film will be shown, followed by a panel discussion. The entire event will be held in German.

Please register by August 9, 2024: https://forms.gle/HKBCYmComF5hWcidA

Detailed program:

18:00Arrival of the guests
18:15Welcome by Baschi Dürr, CEO uptownBasel Group
 followed by: ZDF documentary «KI im Sport - Risiko oder Chance?»
19:00Panel discussion with
 Lea Bachmann, MLaw, PhD student in Law at the University of Basel, pole vaulter
 Dr. Solange Emmenegger, Lucern University of Applied Sciences (HSLU), fencer
 Martin Rumo,  Analytics Translator, Lecturer Lucern University of Applied Sciences (HSLU)
 Moderator: Urs Gredig, SRF
20:00Closing remarks, Prof. Dr. Heiko Schuldt, RDS, Universität Basel


Afterwards, an aperitif will be offered.

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