23 Jun 2022
17:30  - 19:30

Druckwerk Warteck, Burgweg 7, 4058 Basel


Illustrating Legal Blame & Crime in Human-Robot Interaction

Closing Event of the SNF Project "Human-Robot Interaction: A Digital Shift in Law and its Narratives?" - Vernissage and Apéro

Opening Address: "How labels can help with digital responsibility" by Nicolas Zahn, Swiss Digital Initiative

Nicolas Zahn is Senior Project Manager at the Swiss Digital Initiative. After graduating from studies of international affairs with a master thesis on Internet Governance he worked in the financial services and IT industry as a consultant and gained experience abroad regarding the digital transformation of the public sector having worked for various think-tanks and international organisations.

Followed by an Apéro on the terrace and an exhibition of the cartoons made by Bartosz Mamak for the SNF Project "Human-Robot Interaction: A Digital Shift in Law and its Narratives?"

Registration is mandatory to join the event: Sign up here.

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